We love this bright and herby salmon dish – served with dill rice pilaf and roasted broccoli, all topped off with our basil parmesan aioli.
Type: | Complete Dinner |
Servings: | 2 |
Kitchen Time: | 45 minutes |
Shopping List:
- Salmon (12-16 oz)
- 1 Orange
- 1 Lemon
- K&M Classic Rice Pilaf
- 1 Shallot
- Dill (1 bunch)
- K&M Basil Parmesan Aioli
- Broccoli (1-1 ½ lb)
Pantry Items:
- Olive Oil
- Butter
- Salt & Pepper
- Preheat oven to 400ºF.
- Finely mince ½ cup of shallot. Mince the dill from the top to the bottom of the leaves (about ½ cup).
- Prepare rice pilaf according to package. Just before serving, fold in the minced dill.
- Cut broccoli into florets. Scatter on a sheet pan and drizzle with 2 Tbsp olive oil and 1 tsp salt.
- Roast broccoli on a lower rack in the oven for about 5-10 minutes, until barely tender-crisp.
- While the broccoli is in the oven, thinly slice the orange and lemon into wheels, removing large seeds.
- Remove sheet pan from the oven and place salmon, skin side down, alongside the broccoli. Drizzle the salmon with 1-2 tsp olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and cover with the thinly sliced citrus.
- Return sheet pan to oven and cook 10-15 minutes more or until the salmon is cooked (it will flake apart gently and turn a sunset color).
- Transfer fish and broccoli to a serving platter. Serve with the basil parmesan aioli and rice pilaf.