Kalbi Short Ribs & Grilled Bok Choy

This is one of our most popular meals – we love serving this with lots of sauces so you can truly make it your own.  Our favorite combination includes plenty of spicy noodle sauce, ginger scallion sauce, and gochujang aioli over everything!

Type: Complete Dinner
Servings: 2
Kitchen Time: 20 minutes 

Great with:

K&M Pineapple Coconut Panna Cotta


Shopping List: 

  • K&M Kalbi Short Ribs (1 lb.)
  • K&M Spicy Noodle Sauce
  • K&M Jasmine Rice
  • K&M Gochujang Aioli
  • Scallions (1 bunch)
  • 2 Baby Bok Choy

Pantry Items: 

  • Vegetable Oil
  • Salt & Pepper


  1. Preheat your grill to high (about 500ºF).
  2. Gently pat kalbi short ribs dry with a paper towel and place on your grilling tray.
  3. Slice baby bok choy in half lengthwise and rinse well (dirt loves to hide between those leaves!). Pat dry on a dish towel. Place halved bok choy and the scallions on the grilling tray as well and coat both lightly with oil and a sprinkle of salt.
  4. Start by grilling the scallion and bok choy. Remove scallions when they are well charred and softened and the same with the bok choy. Don’t be afraid to give them a little color! After they are finished grilling, drizzle the spicy noodle sauce over the bok choy and set aside.
  5. Give the grill a quick cleaning and then place the short ribs over the hottest part of the grill until they have a nice char on them. They don’t take long! Just a few minutes each side.
  6. Heat jasmine rice in the microwave with the lid askew until steaming.
  7. Serve grilled short ribs, scallions and bok choy alongside the rice with a generous dollop of gochujang aioli.
Written by Kitchen & Market
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