Sautéed Italian Kale with Pepper Relish

The perfect vegetable side – even the kale hesitant crowd will get into this one!  This is great served with everything from our whole roasted French market chicken or on top of creamy polenta.

Type: Side Dish
Servings: 4
Kitchen Time: 15 minutes

Great with:



Shopping List: 

  • Lacinato Kale (1 bunch)

  • 1 Onion

  • K&M Roasted Pepper Relish

Pantry Items: 

  • Olive Oil
  • Salt & Pepper
  • White Wine (Optional)


  1. Strip the kale greens off the stems and slice into 1 inch ribbons. Peel and slice the onion into ½ inch half-moons, to make about a ½ cup.
  2. In a large sauté pan (that has a lid), heat 2 Tbsp olive oil over medium-high heat until shimmering. Add the onion and cook until softened and your kitchen smells great. Add sliced kale, 2 pinches of salt, and ¼ cup white wine (or water). Cover and cook until kale has wilted but is still bright green, about 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the lid and add all the roasted pepper relish and continue cooking until the flavors have melded and liquid is reduced, another 3-5 minutes.
  4. Season to taste with salt and pepper and enjoy warm or at room temperature.

    Chef’s Tip: If you like a softer kale, increase cook time to about 10 minutes.
Written by Kitchen & Market
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Side DishesVegetarian